Hope Unending: No Fear!

“When we grow old, there can only be one regret—not to have given enough of ourselves.” — Eleonora Duse

Your gift to ALO can help support Hope Unending, a program established to combat abuse and sexual exploitation by working at the local community level. It strives help sexual abuse survivors reach their highest potential. Hope Unending believes that all people, particularly those who are vulnerable and often exploited, deserve freedom and the chance for a brighter future. They use a holistic approach to recovery, partnering with government officials, community leaders, and the individuals themselves. They believe that by working together, they can make a difference!


On a beautiful, sunny day, Marie Watson (pictured left) and her husband, Joel, were enjoying driving the streets of their new city, exploring. Suddenly, Marie felt a deep spiritual darkness. Now, through the window, she could see beyond the impressive gleam of this modern city to the plight of the people. “For the first time in my life, I noticed children on the sidewalk sniffing glue, drugs being sold, and many prostitutes,” Marie recalled. “I was shocked to see these activities so blatant in the middle of the day.”

Marie’s first impulse was to lock the car doors and ask God to send angels to protect them. But then she heard God’s voice very clearly: “I didn’t send you to be safe and comfortable but to reach those who have not yet been reached!”

“My spiritual eyes, which I thought had been so clear and keen before, were opened,” Marie said. “I wanted to fall on my face before a holy God. I was ashamed that my years of ministry, while important, had been comfortable and safe.”

Marie knew that through her education and previous experiences as a Bible school director, trainer, and speaker, God had uniquely prepared her for a new and unique ministry reaching out to those living in this world of deep darkness.

Marie said yes to God’s new call on her life, but she had no idea how to start. She spent time in prayer and researched the great needs around her. She found no models to follow for ministry at this level, but God faithfully led her each step of the way.

“I trained team members and did years of prayer walks that have borne great fruit,” Marie said. “I went to the darkest areas of the city and became known as a street pastor. It was physically dangerous at times, but I was never afraid. I knew that no weapon formed against me could prosper.”

After working through Marie and Joel Watson for seven years to establish that ministry, God moved them to a communist country. The challenges were different, but many of the needs were the same. Marie has persevered in her God-given ministry for 25 years in spite of difficulties, dangers, setbacks, physical challenges, and loss—God called Marie’s husband to his heavenly reward in 2018.

It hasn’t always been easy, comfortable, or safe, but Marie doesn’t regret saying yes to God.

“I have no regrets,” she says firmly. “I never looked back. I could spend hours sharing challenges we’ve faced, but true to God’s Word, we were never alone. God provided for every need and opened every door to accomplish His purposes.”

Because Marie answered God’s call, many lives have been redeemed. Many others have been spared from violence and heartache.

“Everyone has a different call,” Marie stresses. “Whether at home or abroad, the Holy Spirit speaks to us. We need to say yes to whatever He asks of us. If you can’t go, then join in supporting those who do. If you don’t feel led to support, then join me in praying as I continue to confront the many levels of darkness.”

Will you say yes? You won’t regret it.


Too Hard: Opening Closed Doors and Hearts


New Beginnings: No Quit!