Cover-Up in Myanmar: Shy War Orphan Finally Comes Clean

EDUCATION CENTER FOR REFUGEES, MYANMAR BORDER | It was obvious that Zarni,* a young war orphan from Myanmar, was hiding something. Although intelligent and so relieved to be someplace safe where she could resume her education and build a better future, something was holding her back. Rather than eagerly joining in with the other children, Zarni shyly held back. When she wasn’t hiding herself, she never looked comfortable but seemed to fear being around people. What’s more, she constantly tugged at her shirt and pulled down her sleeves. Zarni was covering up something… but what?

Intrigued, missionary JB* investigated the mystery of the girl’s peculiar behavior. She learned that Zarni had a severe skin problem that itched terribly and was very painful. But what bothered Zarni most were the scars it caused over much of her body. Embarrassed by her appearance, she kept her distance from people.

Kind teachers and administrators had taken her to the doctor, but the treatment hadn’t helped as much as they had hoped. Besides, Zarni had run out of the medicine months earlier. Now her condition was worsening. But it was far from hopeless.

A simple doctor’s visit changed Zarni’s life. “ALO helps us provide health support and regular health checkups,” JB said. With funds provided by Asia’s Little Ones, Zarni was able to see a doctor who prescribed the right medicine and enough of it to fully take care of the problem. Zarni’s skin cleared up.

“I just want to say thank you and give praise to God,” a newly radiant and confident Zarni said, grinning from ear to ear. “I’m feeling much better. Thank you, and God bless you for your help for me.”

*Names have been changed.

“Don’t turn away from me. . . . I am in trouble. Please hurry and help!” — Psalm 69:17 CEV


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