We Need Each Other - A Letter From the Director

Dear Friend of Asia’s Little Ones,

So often, we have worked to update you on pressing needs in Asia Pacific—a school’s need for books, children’s need for nourishing food, an opportunity to rescue children at risk on the streets. But today, the entire world seems to be in the grip of a cruel pandemic, and it’s understandable that your concerns would be closer to home: Will I and my loved ones be okay? Will we have the food and supplies we need? Will I lose my job? Will the economy crash? Will my investments ever recover? Will life ever be the same again?

We understand your concerns—we are in similar situations—and we pray that God will protect you and provide you with everything you need at this uncertain time.

“This same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:19 NLT

In these troubled times, will you pray earnestly for the ministries, programs, workers, and children of the many programs your gifts to ALO support? You may want to commit to praying 19 minutes each day for the children and ministries impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Or, set your alarm for 19 minutes after the hour—any hour, you choose which one—and ask God to miraculously meet their needs.

Our upcoming ALO blog posts will share how the pandemic is impacting the children and various programs, their most pressing needs and challenges, and what you can do to help. In the meantime, we would like to encourage you to connect with ALO on social media.

In these crazy days, we need each other more than ever. Thank you for doing what you can to be there for the children!

For the kids and the Kingdom,

Nathan Turney

ALO Director


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