Serving God by Serving His Children

“Where there is no vision, the people perish”

— Proverbs 29:18 KJV

ALO’s 2020 Vision: Serving God by Serving His children

A Thai baby born on the day Nathan Turney became the director of Asia’s Little Ones is a junior in college today. A Filipino child born that same month is starting a new business and a family. As ALO-supported children’s homes, schools, and feeding programs nurtured such children through the years, Turney conscientiously did the same for those programs. On August 1, he concluded more than 20 years of service to ALO, turning leadership over to Doris Eckert.

Through the years, Nathan has avoided the spotlight while toiling for God on behalf of His children. Today, we honor one to whom honor is certainly due. Look back with us on 20 years of outstanding service to ALO—as told in Nathan’s own words and the words of those privileged to work with him.

Nathan Turney’s 20-year vision for ALO: Honor God, transform lives, change eternal destinies

“I began directing the Asia’s Little Ones ministry in June 2000. Before that, my wife, Lisa, and I served as missionaries in Thailand. When the opportunity was presented to us in the spring of 2000, God spoke clearly to my heart that we were to accept this new ministry assignment.

My vision for the ALO ministry was that it would be a God-honoring tool that would effectively and strategically transform kids’ lives and change eternal destinies.

What makes a ministry like ALO necessary is the compelling needs of at-risk children throughout Asia Pacific. Millions of kids are destitute and struggle to survive each day. Asia’s Little Ones effectively shares God’s message of love and hope through tangible means that help lift kids out of their hopeless and desperate situations. For someone interested in effectively assisting kids in need, Asia’s Little Ones is an organization you can trust to provide that opportunity.

As the director of Asia’s Little Ones, I’ve had the privilege of...

  • Working with various projects to fund some of their most pressing ministry needs,

  • Helping new project initiatives and outreaches

  • Leading a great team that highlights the victories and needs through printed publications and social media

  • Overseeing the financial accountability and stewardship of ALO contributions, and

  • Regularly speaking as an advocate for the kids in various venues.

Without any doubt, my favorite part of working with ALO was when I had the opportunity to be on site with the ministries and projects and meet the kids and families that were being impacted. Seeing firsthand the dramatic and powerful impact ALO-supported ministries had on kids’ lives was especially motivating and inspiring. For example, several years ago, ALO was involved in providing nutritional help, in addition to medical and dental assistance, to impoverished children in a remote mountain village in East Timor.

When I visited the project site, community leaders and parents, with tears streaming down their faces, shared their gratitude for our life-giving assistance to their kids. I felt incredibly humbled and privileged to be a part of a ministry that was so powerfully impacting lives.

One of the most unusual and memorable times of ministry was the relief effort following the 2004 Asian Tsunami. ALO was initially involved in providing life--sustaining supplies for survivors on Aceh, the epicenter of the devastation, and then worked with the Department of Education to help rebuild some schools and provided educational resources and supplies for thousands of Indonesian kids in affected areas. A few months after the tsunami, I was in Aceh to visit the relief and reconstruction efforts. It was incredibly sobering to hear the heartbreaking stories of loved ones lost and see the devastation firsthand. I was extremely thankful that ALO had the opportunity to be on the front lines bringing help and hope during this horrific time of tragedy.

Whenever I’ve had the opportunity to be at the various ministry sites, I am always impressed with the quality of the staff, their dedication, and their love for the kids. Their commitment and faithfulness are sources of inspiration and encouragement. Many could be earning better wages in the marketplace, but they choose to work at these projects because they want to minister to the kids.

During the economic downturn in 2008, contributions decreased, and funds were minimal. It was a faith-building time to see God miraculously provide. Several sizable contributions came in from unexpected sources that covered the shortfall. I know that God will abundantly provide what is needed during the current economic challenges we are facing as a result of the coronavirus.

My prayer for ALO is that God will continue to bless and use the existing ministry outreaches and that He will exponentially expand the impact so that thousands more kids, families, and communities will dramatically experience God’s love and message of hope in a meaningful and life--transforming way.Even though our time with ALO has come to an end, Lisa and I will continue to be advocates for ALO and the children whenever we have the opportunity, and we will continue to support ALO out of our personal finances.

—Nathan Turney


Hundreds of school children in Vietnam have been impacted through ALO as a result of Nathan’s leadership. Over the past several years, Nathan has eagerly found ways for ALO to partner with us in reaching out torural Northern Vietnamese children in the name of the Lord. As a result, many have heard the gospel and experienced the love of Christ. We appreciate the Turneys’ leadership of ALO and look forward to what God will do through them in their next season of life and ministry. Xin Chúa Ban Phuoc (God Bless)!

—Jason Morris, Northern Vietnam

Thank you for teaching me how to work with children. You also taught me the most important lesson, which is how to love—to love people who are not family, to love someone I don’t know, and to love children—to love not only in word but through action. Because of that, many children have accepted Christ as their Savior, and many families have opened their hearts through the influence of the children’s lives. Thank you for making an impact on many lives in Chiang Rai.

—K Phanon, Director of Chiang Rai Children’s Home

Not only has it been a joy to work with Nathan, but his integrity is first rate. It has been a privilege to work for something (ALO) and someone (Nathan) I believe in so strongly. I have given to ALO knowing that his good stewardship meant the gift would be used honorably and effectively. May God reward your faithfulness, Nathan.

—Tammy Bicket, ALO Creative Team

I’m grateful for your exemplary character as a leader for ALO and your family. Your steady, servant heart impacts those nearest you just as much as those impacted by the fruit of your ministry across the planet. Thank you for showing us Jesus.

—Nicco Musacchio, ALO Creative Team

We love Nathan and are very grateful for all he has done for the kids of Happy Horizons Children’s Ranch. His efforts are felt every day here. ALO purchased our L300 vehicle that does everything from driving kids to the beach, to transporting them to court hearings, to picking up newly rescued kids, to delivering relief goods to those in need. Due to COVID restrictions, we use this vehicle to fetch our marketing. We are allowed one day a week to get food for the 48 rescued kids and 20 staff caring for them. This vehicle feels like a lifeline. And maybe that’s just what ALO is for the kids of HHCR. Thank you, Nathan!

—John A. Williford, Happy Horizons Children’s Ranch

Thank you so much for your 20 years of faithful service at ALO. You have impacted countless lives around Asia and have partnered with us at the Life Center from the beginning. You have traveled with us on some of the worst roads in Asia and stayed in less-than-desirable accommodations on outreaches in the remote mountains. You have been to the “ends of the earth” with us, and that has blessed us tremendously. Your heart for the least of these, your great sense of humor, and your words of encouragement made those long trips on winding mountain roads so enjoyable. We love you, and our host-country leaders are always excited to have you visit. The lives of so many children have been forever changed because of you and your leadership.

—Abe and Jill

I thank God for allowing me to know Rev. Nathan and his family. We have served God together for many years, first as a missionary to Thailand and then as director of ALO. I am most impressed with your heart for children, especially the underprivileged and the orphan. You have traveled from place to place to visit and support these children. Moreover, God has blessed ALO more and more through you. May God bless you and your family abundantly.

—Dr. Suphot Phanon, North Area Director of Thailand Assemblies of God and founder of Chiang Rai Children’s Home

It has been our honor and joy to serve with Nathan Turney for nearly 20 years. We have served as part of the Asia’s Little Ones team with Nathan. This gave us the opportunity to closely observe the marvelous job he has done. His vision, talent, and sacrifice of time have been truly inspirational. While directing ALO, he has expanded its scope across the Asia Pacific region. Under his leadership, ALO has not only undergirded compassionate ministries but also significantly broadened the outreach and support of other missionaries involved in evangelizing and caring for needy children. Because of his skills, ALO has kept pace technologically, and the donor base has been dramatically increased. Nathan is a treasured friend and ministry partner! We wish him continued success and the rich blessings of the Lord in his new ministry.

—Terry and Debbie Waisner

Won’t you join Nathan and Lisa in supporting the important work of ALO with your most generous gift today?


Leading ALO into a Bright Future


Meet Our New Director, Doris Eckert!