Daughter Shocked; Father Claims to See God

Chiang Rai, Thailand • A teen girl was shocked by her smiling father’s unexpected claim. The poor family who, nine years earlier, had sent their daughter Niramon down the mountain to live at Chiang Rai Children’s home were Buddhists.

When returning home for a visit, Niramon was resolved to tell her parents about Jesus. Taking a deep breath, she told them she had given her heart to Jesus and how God had helped and led her many times. As she spoke, her father smiled broadly.

“I see God in you,” he told her. “Your life is different from others in the village. I know God is real because you have proved it with your life! I don’t call myself a Christian yet, but we have faith in Jesus, who we believe. One day, when the time comes, we will become Christians. I promise.”

What’s more, her father had one request of Niramon, who has been serving as a worship-team leader at the children’s home: “Please study the Bible after you graduate so you can become a pastor and lead a church in the village.”

Niramon is praying for God’s leading and asking Him to prepare her life’s path. But she continues to rejoice in God’s miraculous working in her family.

“Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.”

—Matthew 5:16 NLT


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