This year, we’ve hear the stories of:

  • Armon, who lost his home and his parents in Indonesia’s great earthquake and tsunami but found a new home and hope for the future at House of God’s Mercy.

  • May May,* who knew little but loss and destruction before finding a safe place to learn and grow at Maranatha Educational Center for orphans of Myanmar’s civil war.

  • Lacy* and Joleen,* whose spirits were crushed and their bodies exploited for international cyberporn, and Jewel,* sold into forced labor and sexually abused—before these girls found freedom and healing at Happy Horizons Children’s Ranch.

  • Yomuh* and Mida,* hill-tribe girls trafficked by sexual predators before finding a safe and loving place for themselves and the birth of their babies at Chiang Rai Children’s Home.

  • Rashelle, a malnourished child who lived in the city dump before her life was changed by Childcare Community Ministries Philippines (CCMP).

All year long, ALO helps rescue kids at risk, meets dire needs, changes lives, and gives hope to children in places like Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Thailand. Christmas brings a special opportunity to bless these precious children and the ministries that help them. As one who works with Myanmar’s war orphans explained, “That first Christmas, our Blessing came wrapped in frail humanity in the form of a child who needed to be loved, nurtured, and cared for. Think of children around the world who need care...children who need to feel loved, who need to hear that no matter what they have been through, have had done to them, have suffered, there is One who sees. There is One who cares.”

This Christmas, will you think of the children? Will you show a child that someone cares?

“The kids we minister to are neglected, abused, and abandoned,” said Jonathan Capone of King’s Garden Children’s Home. “They sometimes believe the lie that they are forgotten and unwanted. So when they do get a gift, they feel like someone remembered them. They treasure the gift, no matter how small.” Your gift to Asia’s Little Ones—even a small one—can make a world of difference to a child who needs your help. Won’t you give your best gift today?

Here are specific ways you can make a difference in the lives of little ones this Christmas.

* Not their real name; names have been changed to protect the children from further victimization. Children in photographs are not those mentioned here.


Our Finest Gifts We Bring


From Hungry to Helping